The first Central Riverside Elementary Art Walk was a huge success. Over 450 pieces of student artwork created a wonderful representation of the Art Program at CRES. Record crowds turned out for this first of many fundraiser events to fund future art projects. Please view this slideshow of beautiful art created by the talented students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade at CRES.
This blog is for parents,teachers, and others who are interested in finding out what's happening in the Art Department at Central Riverside Elementary School, Duval County, Jacksonville, Florida.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Marlons's Artist Statement
A big part of the creative process is the opportunity to reflect on one's art and articulate the intent behind the art making process. One way to do this is to put thoughts into words in an artist's statement. At Central Riverside Elementary, students in Mrs. Caro's (DHH) class had the opportunity to do this but not in the conventional way. You see, Mrs. Caro's students are deaf or hard of hearing so they communicate with American Sign Language. Please view this video to see and hear 5th grader, Marlon's artist statement. You will see that his hands do the talking.
Matthew's Artist Statement
Members of Mrs. Caro's DHH (Deaf and hard of Hearing) class created wonderful undersea scenes in watercolor paint then recorded their thoughts about the creative process in a written artist statement. Matthew tells us about the steps he took in creating his masterpiece but not in spoken English. Matthew is fluent in another language - American Sign Language and he expresses his thoughts not with his spoken words but with his hands. Watch Matthew explain his strategies for creating this wonderful work of art in this video below:
Reggie's Artist Statement
Every picture tells a story and Reggie has an interesting story to tell in his painting as well as his artist statement. Reggie is a 5th grader at Central Riverside Elementary Class in Mrs. Caro's DHH class (Deaf and Hard of Hearing.) Reggie shares his thoughts about the creative process as well as how art makes him feel in this video below. Reggie describes his artwork in words but uses American Sign language to communicate his artist statement.
Rouchell's Artist Statement
This painting is by Rouchell, a 5th grade student in Mrs. Caro's class at Central Riverside Elementary School and part of the DHH (Deaf and hard of Hearing) Program at Central Riverside.
In art class, the students were studying depth in their art by showing a variety of undersea creatures in their environment, then positioning them in the foreground, middle ground and background as well as overlapping them.
Upon completion of the paintings, the students wrote an artist's statement describing the strategies they used to create depth as well as how the experience made them feel. Please, view the video below to see Rouchell tell us about her painting - not with words but with her hands as she uses American Sign Language.
Jordan's Artist Statement
This beautiful painting was created by Jordan, a 4th grader who is part of the DHH (Deaf and Hard of Hearing) program at Central Riverside Elementary. Jordan has put his thoughts into words in an artist's statement but communicates to us not in the conventional way but by using American Sign Language. At Central Riverside Elementary, students in Mrs. Caro's (DHH) class had the opportunity to paint an underwater scene then write about their work. Please view this video to see and hear 4th grader, Jordan's artist statement. As you can see, Jordan is very excited about his painting!