Wow! It's so hard to believe we have almost completed the first semester of the 2014-15 school year. Our CRES artists have been very productive these last few weeks. Here is a brief overview of some of the projects they have been working on.
Kindergarten Geometric Hats
Kinders are learning so much now that they are putting in a full days work! In math they are learning about geometric shapes so it fit in quite nicely to support their learning by making geometric hats in art class.
First Grade Dots
First Graders celebrated the start of a new school year by reading "The Dot" and did an author study about Peter Reynolds. Afterwards, they each painted their own version a dot from the story.

Second and Third Grade Self Portraits
Second and third grade students studied self portraits created by famous artist, Vincent Van Gogh then created a portrait of themselves.
First and Second Grade Printmaking
Students learn about a new printmaking technique, mono-printing.

Forth Grade Studies Outer Space
Forth graders learned about outer space as they created their own solar system using oil pastels.
Fifth Grade Draws From Observation
Fifth graders are becoming very proficient at drawing from observation as they draw Florida seashells then add color with watercolor.
One Last Announcement:
October has been a very exciting month! What a surprise I had when I was selected by my colleagues at Central Riverside as Teacher of the year 2014-15. It is such an honor for me to teach in a school with such a wonderful, caring staff and amazing students. AND I even get my own parking space!